Topaz West – ITE College West

Topaz West – ITE College West

Topaz West
Topaz West

Topaz West

ITE College West

Topaz West is a restaurant cum classroom which is being used as a training platform for the students to practice their fundamental skills. Occasionally, the restaurant may also be used for restaurant skills competitions.

The overall design uses the modern theme of black and white with a splash of yellow in the centre of the restaurant. The cheerful ambiance aims to attract mainly students and also the staff. At the same time, it lifts the spirit of learning and brings liveliness to the study environment as a classroom.

The plates decor on the wall enhances the overall design by bringing funkiness and liveliness to the space. Graphic decals on the glass surrounding the restaurant as well as windows, catch the attention of passers-by to the restaurant.

The facility can be used as one entire entity or be divided into two breakout classrooms for both theoretical and practical usage through a collapsible wall. Each sub-divided room can accommodate 24 students.