Inclusivity n. the quality of trying to include many different types of people and treat them all fairly and equally (Cambridge Dictionary)

Inclusivity is key
As Stuart Milk says, “We are less when we don’t include everyone.”
In this society where being divisive is often the norm, we ourselves have created an unnecessary discomfort among us. It is pervasive even with children. Bullying within schools and workplaces alike, excluded from activities, or shunned with gossip, congregating in cliques and refusal of sharing of ideas. It is a widespread apathy. How should we overcome this?
you cannot fight this directly without making it worse. You can lead by example however and set a standard to live up to. If people are open and looking they will find the message one way or another.
We must be aware of little things like speaking in a common language where everyone can understand and use. Or a constant open invitation to team bonding activities, even having meals together. They definitely add up. We may find it difficult at times to include people whom we share different views from, but someone has always got to take the first step. Like the saying goes, “If not me, then who?”
Inclusion means creating a working culture where differences are valued, where everyone has the opportunity to develop their skills and talents consistent to a company’s value and their business objectives. To make an organization where people feel involved, respected and connected with each other.
We have been coming up with more activities that everyone and anyone can participate, to have us all spending time together and just have fun. In this, we want everyone to feel the love and that we are each aware of our own actions and how it may influence the way we treat one another. To grow our appreciation of our differences. There will be mistakes but we’ll never know if we do not try. Slowly but surely getting there.